Every year Black Friday results in overproduction - companies plan to produce too much stock in the hope of capturing every possible customer. They then get rid of whatever doesn't sell by trashing it or selling it at a massively reduced price. We believe our production form, here at Shirley Bredal, and use of pure natural fibers will not add to overconsumption, but yet we want to make it meaningful.

Black Friday with a cause

That is why this year, we will donate 1 sack of rice (which can feed a family for a week) for every order placed during Black Friday days to "Maiti Nepal" - an organization with a vision to fight against Human Trafficking and a mission to protect girls, women and children from various crimes & exploitation.

How can you help?

You can donate too! During our Black Friday days - Wednesday and Thursday, you will have an option at the checkout to donate a tip to this amazing organization!
Let's make this Black Friday meaningful!

A little more about "Maiti Nepal"

Maiti Nepal is an organization with a headquarter in Katmandu, devoted to combating human trafficking including violence against women and children; is engaged in protection, rescue and rehabilitation of survivors of trafficking by promoting their human rights in diversified avenues. Activities they do include awareness campaigns among general public, people with low level of awareness, school and college students, parliamentarians, law enforcement agencies, Village Development Committees, and concerned agencies.

Read more about ther program here.